You Don’t Have A Garden?! Don’t Worry, These Plants Can Be Grown In Your Kitchen!

Share This: Among the numerous health benefits, gardening can help you reduce stress and improve health. However, if you live in an apartment you may not have your own garden where you can grow a variety of spices, fruits, vegetables that you are sure are healthy for you and your loved ones. On the other hand, you can grow

On the other hand, you can grow these plants suitable for keeping in a small terrace or in the kitchen:

1. Aloe Vera

This plant needs good indoor conditions, temperatures up to 21 degrees and plenty of sunlight. It needs dry soil so you should put some water every 2 to 3 days. It is great for scratches or any other skin irritations.


2. Mini Tomatoes

Miniature varieties of tomatoes can grow in a small area. These tomatoes need lots of light and heat, so it is best to put them beside a window. Moderation is key for these plants, so the soil should be wet all the time, but you have to check the quantity of water. These tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, K and betacarotene.


3. Basil

Basil thrives in bright and warm places. The pot should be big enough with enough soil in it, which must be moist but not too much.


4. Spinach

This is also a beneficial plant you can grow in your home. It thrives the best in a place with moderate temperatures and light. The spinach needs a lot of space in the area of the root, so it’s best to choose a deep pot. Spinach is rich in protein, vitamins A and K, folic acid, and fiber.


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