All You Need To Know About Planting Aloe Vera Indoors

How to plant Aloe Vera indoor?

Planting Aloe Vera indoor is simple procedure. All you need to have a wide containers with mixed draining potting like succulents. Once you plant the Aloe Vera in the container find a place where Aloe Vera can be exposed to the indirect sunlight. Well, that’s all.

What if I say that you can plant Aloe Vera in your kitchen?

Yes! You heard it right and you don’t need to buy aloe Vera products from the market anymore. Plant Aloe Vera inside your kitchen near a window which will not only act as decorative asset but it’s leaves will also help you in curing various skin related problems especially  sunburn skin and cold sores.

Dos and Don’t while taking care of the Aloe Vera

In order  keep your Aloe Vera plant alive and fresh you need to take care of it. Care taking involves watering the plant , Removing unwanted elements from the plants and ensuring if it’s getting a proper sunlight.

If you are Planting Aloe Vera indoor, follow below suggestions to keep your plant fresh and alive.

1. While watering the plant it must be ensured that right amount of water is poured in the plant. It is advised to water less in winters. The main reason why watering is needed is to avoid the rot to the plant caused due to the insufficient water supply to the soil holding the plant.

2. Aloe Vera has a tendency to produce plant lets commonly known as offsets to the plant. The best part of this process is that you can plant another aloe Vera plant using those offsets. All you need to do is separate the plant lets from the Mother Aloe Vera plant and pot those in a potting mix. Rest of the procedure is same i.e., watering, keeping the soil on the dry side and exposure to the sunlight.

3. Aloe Vera plants must be protected from harmful pests like scale and mealybugs. Besides there are some other diseases one must be aware about whole taking care of the plant . These are leaf rot, root rot, fungal stem and soft rot.

If you do not have Aloe Vera plant, you can buy it from local nursery and there are some online option also where you can Buy Aloe Vera Plant.

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